Employment Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services
Pre-ETS stands for Pre-Employment Transition Services and is supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), signed into law on July 22, 2014.
Pre-ETS serves students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ages 14-22, in their high school classroom environment. This service ensures that students receive the skills and training necessary to reach their educational, career, and life goals after transitioning from high school to adulthood.
Pre-ETS uses 5 Pillars for Successful Transition:
Job Exploration
Explore jobs/careers in the community
Explore skills and qualities needed for career interest areas
Research degree or credential requirements for student’s preferred jobs
Assist with the completion of FAFSA
Identify academic accommodations needed
Post-Secondary Education
Work-Based Learning
Facilitate student participation in:
volunteer experiences
on-the-job training experiences
paid & non-paid apprenticeships/internships
paid & non-paid summer/after-school work experiences
school-based work opportunities
Assist with development of independent living skills
Help students prepare for & lead IEP, 504, & planning meetings
Assist with decision making about self-disclosure on the job
Workplace Readiness
Provide literacy intervention & training for the following skills:
time management
decision-making & problem-solving
soft skills & hard skills
social skills
Prepare students for & coordinate mock interviews.
Employment gives one dignity, independence, and purpose. We provide comprehensive services to help people with disabilities join or rejoin the workforce, including:
Determining a Career Path
Work Readiness Training
Job-seeking and Interview Skills
Connecting Clients to Employers
Supported Employment
Employment services are primarily available to recipients of Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services. You can apply for VR services by contacting your local VR office.