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Hillary Veras Rosa

Hillary is a music therapist (candidate for board certification) at The STAR Center, Inc, Jackson location. She has experience working with individuals and groups in a variety of settings, including (but not limited to):

• Hospice care
• Schools
• Community centers
• Inpatient mental health care facilities
• Veterans
• Individuals with autism and down syndrome
• Individuals with learning differences

Hillary completed her internship at the STAR Center and was hired on right after the culmination of her internship. Hillary received her Bachelor’s degree in Music, with the concentration in Music Therapy from Austin Peay State University located in Clarksville, TN.

Hillary decided to take on Music Therapy as a career path due to her passion for music and using it as a tool to touch the lives of others. She decided Music Therapy was an ideal career choice upon realizing how much it can help others reach their own potential and exceed beyond the parameters imposed by society.

On most days, Hillary is out serving the community with the power of music, but during her leisure time, Hillary enjoys visiting her local church, participating in worship at her local church, engaging in anything crafty or mind-soothing, and spending time with friends and family.

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